Ramps are widely used inside and outside buildings, for example, the parking ramp, or the pathway for people with mobility issues.
Creating Ramp
- Go to Slab, and then select Ramp.
- In the Element List, click the Plus icon to create a ramp.
- Use Line and Arc to draw the ramp projection as per the floor plan of your drawing.
- Go to DRAW > Ramp, and then click Set Ramp.
- Select the ramp projection you have drawn, and then use Line and Arc to draw the centerline of the ramp along the up direction as per your drawing,and right click to confirm your centerline.
- In the input box, click to enter gradient or elevations based on the information provided on your drawing. The gradients are shown in yellow, and the elevations are shown in white.
- Enter all of the gradients or elevations consecutively, and then right click to confirm.
Editing Ramp
If changes occur in the drawing or a ramp is drawn incorrectly, you can use Edit Ramp to make adjustment.
- Go to DRAW > Ramp, click Edit Ramp and then the following tool will appear at the upper left corner of the drawing area, and the ramp model will become transparent.
- Click Edit Centerline, select the part of the centerline you want to modify, then delete and redraw it. Click the green tick sign to confirm your modification.
- Click Edit Elevation/Gradient, select the location you want to modify, and then enter the value into the corresponding input box. Click the green tick sign to confirm your modification.
Align with Ramp
A ramp does not exist solely. There might be walls above it and beams below it.
For beams below the ramp, you can select them and click Align with Ramp to make them aligned with the ramp. The operation is the same as that of Align with Slab.
The projections of the beams to align with ramp need to be completely inside the ramp projection. Otherwise, the beams will be broken and only the parts inside the ramp projection will be aligned.
For walls above the ramp, you can select Ramp_Top_Elevation as their bottom elevations, and Ramp_Top_Elevation+N (wall height) as their top elevations respectively, set the wall thickness as per your drawing, and then draw them along the ramp.
1 comment
how to draw spiral ramp?
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